Autumn 1 Week 7

Date: 16th Oct 2024 @ 2:57pm

This week we have introduced the topic book ‘The Little Red Hen’. The children learnt lots of new vocabulary, such as: farmyardcornmill, and flour. We have learned that flour is made from wheat, which is harvested by farmers. We have had lots of fun making and eating our own bread. It was very yummy!

We thought about who we should say thank you to for all the wonderful food we have-God, farmers, delivery drivers, factory workers and shop workers.’


Nursery have been really enjoying our ‘Wheelie Wednesdays’. This is where we get the bikes and scooters out to practise our balancing and gross motor skills. Some of us are very confident and some of us are still learning how to pedal and how to sit and balance on a bike. They are all doing brilliantly at having a go and trying.


We have been learning all about Autumn and the changes in the season in Nursery this week. We have been on an Autumn walk around our school grounds looking at the different signs of Autumn. We found lots of signs of Autumn such as the weather getting colder, leaves changing colour and falling off the trees, apples falling, vegetables being ready to Harvest aswel as conkers and acorns falling from the trees. We also found some mushrooms, a slug and we listened to the sounds of nature around us.



In Squiggle while you wiggle this week we have been practising circles drawing clockwise and anti-clockwise whilst boogying along to ‘I’m in the mood for dancing’. We made some brilliant marks!


In Maths this week we have been thinking about how we can select shapes for a reason to create a picture. We had a go at using the blocks to create a house with a roof, windows and a door. We then collected our own Autumn objects and used them to create our own pictures exploring the shapes of the objects we collected.


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