Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding at Canon Burrows CE is of the highest importance.
Safeguarding means:
- protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
- preventing harm to children's health or development
- ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.
Safeguarding children and child protection guidance and legislation applies to all children up to the age of 18.
Our Safeguarding Team
The safeguarding team is in charge of keeping children safe at home and at school. Miss Fildes, as Headteacher, is our current designated safeguarding lead. Mrs McQuillan, Miss Arnold, Mrs Lataster and Miss Adamson are the deputy designated safeguarding leads.
The School follows the advice and practices recommended by Tameside's Safeguarding Children Board.
The website for Tameside's Safeguarding Children Board can be found here.
Contact Numbers
For urgent Child Protection / Safeguarding advice please call Tameside EHASH team on 0161 342 4101
Phone lines are open:
- Monday to Wednesday: 8.30am - 5pm
- Thurs: 8.30am - 4.30pm
- Fri: 8.30am - 4pm
Monday to Friday outside of normal hours weekends and public holidays
EDT (Emergency Duty Team) Telephone Contact Number - 0161 342 2222
If you think a child/young person is in significant and imminent harm and require an immediate response please call 999
The following school policies come under the heading of Safeguarding. Please click on the files at the bottom of this page.
We use the online reporting tool Whisper as a line of anonymous communication within the school community. Whisper allows students and parents alike to report any issues or concerns they may be having, anonymously, through our website or by texting. However, if you personally need help, we suggest placing a name within the message box. The school will be able to actively and confidentially respond to any reports and offer the correct guidance and support where needed. We hope this will allow students and parents to feel confident in coming forward with any problems they may be experiencing.
You can make a report using the button here, or by texting a message to 078600 21584 starting with the word CAN2.
It’s against the law for anyone to share a sexual image or video of someone who’s under 18. If someone has shared a nudes of your child online and you need it removing quickly, please click on the 'ReportRemove' button to get it removed quickly.
For information and advice for online safety, please visit our hub.