School Vision and Values






At Canon Burrows CE, Christian values underpin everything we do. Although children learn about a wide ranging number of values, the six values we focus on as a school are: friendship, compassion, creativity, perseverance, hope and responsibility.  We chose these values based on pupil, school staff, governor and teacher voice.  These values are taught explicitly throughout the children's time in school as well as through Collective Worship and reflection spaces in school. We also promote values intrinsically as opportunities arise: when a certain value is pertinent to an individual or group of children or is pertinent to local, national or global issues, for example a response of stewardship to a national disaster. Find out more about our values here.


When children across school display their Christian values, they receive a 'value voucher'. Each week 'value vouchers' are selected at random to receive a celebratory reward.  We also celebrate children who have demonstrated the school value we are reflecting on that week or half-term through them recieving an award and the way they have demonstrated the value shared. 

Friday News also shows the Christian value we have shown across school each week. You can find this in the 'News' section of our website.

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