Autumn 2 Week 3

Date: 25th Nov 2024 @ 9:08pm

The Nursery children took part in our first REAL project event this week. We enjoyed a bus trip to Ashton library for a story and rhyme session and then we went on an environmental print hunt around Ashton looking at shop logos and letters. We had lots of fun!



This week we have introduced a new topic book called “When You Sleep At Night” by Peter Arrhenius which is all about people who work at night time. The children have loved discovering the amazing people that work when they’re fast asleep.

In Maths this week, we have been practising our counting skills reciting numbers 1-10 by singing Maths rhymes aswel as counting in different ways such as clapping/ stamping/ jumping.

In phonics, we have focused on our new sound ‘t’. We have attached the picture card that matches the sound. To support your child to pronounce the sound correctly say “open your lips; put the tip of your tongue behind your teeth and press t t t”

In R.E we watched the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. We thought about how Jesus showed love, compassion and generosity by feeding the crowd. This made Him a special person and helped people to trust that He would give them all that they needed.

As it is 'Road Safety Week' this week the children have been learning all about how to cross the road safely. We have been learning all about the role of a 'lollipop man' and how they are a special person as they help to keep us safe.


What a way to finish the week with our ‘Aspirations Day’ the children all looked fantastic dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up and enjoyed sharing their aspirations with the class.



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