Autumn 2 Week 7
Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 10:20am
The Nursery children have had a lovely but very busy week this week preparing for our Christmas performance. We were so proud of how well they performed singing and joining in with the actions. They performed in front of KS1 on Monday and to all of their parents on Tuesday. We hope you enjoyed our little Christmas sing-a-long.
We also had the pleasure of watching the KS1 Nativity performance which was absolutely brilliant!
In R.E this week we have been retelling the Christmas story together using the small world stable and characters to help us aswel as dressing up as the characters from the story ourselves. We reminded ourselves why we celebrate Christmas (because it is Jesus’s birthday) and why Jesus was a special baby (because He was God’s son).
In Phonics we have been re-capping over the sounds we have learnt so far this half term- s,a,t,p,i,n.
In Maths we have began trying to subitise numbers 1-3 by recognising amounts from sight without counting them. This is something we will continue to work on in January.
We have also enjoyed lots of Christmas dancing, signing and yoga to get us into the festive spirit. We hope you all have a wonderful and restful Christmas break and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Ahmed