Back in time

Date: 15th Feb 2018 @ 1:17pm

We have had an interesting couple of weeks doing lots of time travel!

Last week we visited Portland Basin Museum where we were taught by Master Goodwill in his Victorian classroom. We wore Victorian costumes and experience what it was like to be a child at school in the past. It was very different to how it is now! The teachers were very strict and there were lots of punishments for children who misbehaved or wriggled, such as being caned, wearing the Dunce cap and sitting with the fidget board. We also explored the Victorian street and thought about how it was different to streets today. There were some similarities too, such as the church, pub and fish and chip shop.

This week we were visited by a time-travelling housewife called Hattie. This time, she came to our time and classroom to talk to us all about what home life was like in the past. She brought lots of artefacts with her that she has left behind in our classroom for us to play with. She talked to us about how hard it was to do the washing back then without a washing machine and how people had different routines like using the chamber pot (or 'guzunder') at night time if they needed the toilet rather than going outside. It was fascinating to hear about how her life was different!

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