Spring 1 Week 4
Date: 30th Jan 2025 @ 4:42pm
A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents who attended our REAL Project event this week. We had such a lovely morning watching the performance, singing songs, going on a Rhyme hunt and taking part in some Nursery rhyme themed crafts.
The Nursery children have been busy learning all about Chinese New Year this week. We learnt about why it is celebrated, aswel as some of the traditional ways it is celebrated. We have enjoyed creating our own dragon masks, making Chinese lanterns, tasting Chinese food and listening to the story of the Chinese New Year Race.
Continuing our ECO learning this week we went out on a litter pick around our school grounds and Early Years garden with our litter pickers. We reflected on why it is important to look after God’s wonderful world and some of the ways we can do this.
In English this week we have been looking at the story of ‘Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke. We listened to the story and sang along to the nursery rhyme ‘Wheels on the bus’.
We have been fantastic mark makers this week with our ‘hook up’ mark for squiggle while you wiggle. We all really enjoyed making this mark and by the end of the week they looked fantastic!
In Phonics we have introduced the sound 'o’ which is a picture of an octopus. We have been sorting different animals by their initial sounds and using our robot voices to segment and blend words together.
In RE we have learnt about the bible story 'The Lost Sheep' which is a story that Jesus told and can be found in the New Testament of the bible. The moral of this parable of the Lost Sheep is that each person is precious to God
In Maths we have been exploring and describing shapes and objects using vocabulary such as ‘sharp, ‘pointy’, ‘curvy’, ‘round’.