Spring 2 Week 1

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 10:20am

Welcome back to all of our Nursery children and families, we hope you all had a fun and restful half term. We have now started our new topic of ‘What lives in God’s wonderful world’. Please see the Nursery newsletter or unit plan on the website for an overview of what we will be focusing on this half term.

In English this week we have been reading the story of ‘Dear Zoo’ by Rod Campbell. The children have been joining in with repeated phrases and learning the song ‘We’re going to the Zoo’. We have been reflecting on what we would need to buy if we were given a puppy. We have had a go at writing our own shopping lists by drawing what we would need and writing initial sounds.


In Phonics the children have been looking at the digraph ‘ck’ looking at objects where we can hear the sound at the ends of the words. We also had lots of fun practising our listening skills by listening to the different animal sounds and guessing which animal made the sound.


The Nursery children began our new R.E topic by hearing the first part of the Easter story. We learned how Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey to lots of people cheering, so we reflected on how they must have felt happy and excited. We thought Jesus must have felt happy and loved too.


In PSHE we have been thinking about what we are grateful for about ourselves. We re-capped over the different character strengths;

  • Love and Kindness
  • Friendship and Teamwork
  • Bravery and Honesty
  • Learning and Exploring
  • Love of Life and our World.

The children passed a mirror around the circle, saying what they are thankful for about themselves e.g. I am thankful for being funny, sporty, arty, brave, helping others, looking after animals.


The children have also been practising their teamwork skills with the parachute and by passing the ball around the circle to their friends. They have practised their throwing and catching skills whilst also developing their turn-taking skills.


Every Friday the Nursery children enjoy going to visit our school library to choose a new book. As of next week the children will be bringing home a reading diary in their book bags. Instead of giving out homework each week the school has taken a collective decision to really focus on promoting reading instead for EYFS so we will be introducing the reading diaries to the children and if we can see your child has been read to at home five times within the week they will get a special ‘Reading Superstar’ sticker. This could be sharing your child’s library book, a bedtime story, a story from your local library or any books your child enjoys at home. Please don’t worry about writing out a long description in the diary, the date and title of the book is absolutely fine. We look forward to seeing and celebrating all of the wonderful work you do at home to support promoting a love of reading for your child.


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