Spring 2 Week 2

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 9:23am

This week in R.E the Nursery children continued our learning about the Easter story. We heard how Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and how this surprised them but was an act of love. Then we heard how he shared bread and wine with them, saying that they represented his body and blood. We acted out this part of the story by watching one of our friends have their feet washed and then we all sat down to enjoy a snack together of bread and wine (squash).


We have had some very exciting visitors to our Nursery classroom this week with the arrival of 9 beautiful chicks which the children have had the very exciting opportunity to watch hatch out of their eggs. They are going to help us learn all about the life cycle of a chick and we are very excited to be able to get them out and have a little stroke and cuddle of them next week when they are a little bit bigger.



The children have started their tooth brushing every day this week and they have been fantastic at brushing ‘up and down and round and round’. I have attached the song we have been using to brush our teeth to incase you want to use it at home aswel.

IMG_5971.JPG IMG_5972.JPG


In PSHE the children have been thinking about how important it is to show our Christian value of kindness and we have been reflecting on our actions from this week and how they affect others. For example the children who have used quiet voices around the chicks and haven’t been trying to tap on the glass have helped the chicks to feel safe and the children who have had quiet voices and good listening on the carpet have helped their friends to learn.


In English we have continued learning about the story of Dear Zoo we have been looking at the nouns and adjectives within the story.

For Phonics this week we have been looking at the letter ‘e’ and we have been learning a rhyme all about Pancake Day! We had so much fun making and eating some yummy pancakes and exploring our Pancake themed tough tray exploring making our own.


Mix a Pancake

Stir a Pancake

Pour in it a Pan


Fry a Pancake

Toss a Pancake

Catch it if you can


In Maths we have been focusing on recognising numerals and matching them to the corresponding amounts.

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