Autumn 1 Week 1 and 2

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 9:41am

We are so proud of all of our new Nursery children and how well they have settled in over the past two weeks. We have been having lots of fun getting to know our new friends, our new classroom and starting to learn our daily routine.



We have started our 'Squiggle While You Wiggle' sessions this week, which is an activity that builds the children's fine and gross motor skills. In this session, we perfected our up and down movements while we boogied along to Wham – “I'm your man.”


We have also been learning about our feelings through our PSHE- Zones of Regulations learning. We have been learning about how the different colours link with our different emotions and we have been encouraging the children to say how they are feeling.

Red- Angry

Blue- Sad

Green- Happy

Yellow- Nervous or worried



We have also been thinking about our class rules this week, which are to…

  • Always try our best
  • Listen to instructions
  • To be kind to our friends- share/ take turns
  • Not to hurt anybody. To have kind hands and feet.
  • Walk and not run in the classroom.
  • Look after our toys
  • Keep our classroom tidy

We have also had our first library session, which was very exciting choosing our new books to bring home. Your child should have their library book in their bag. This will be changed every Friday so please make sure it comes back into school next Friday. 

We can’t wait to see you all again next week!


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