Autumn 1 Week 3

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 9:22pm

This week the children have been enjoying exploring our outdoor environment on the tree house acting out role-play with the doll’s house, building houses with our friends with the bricks and building sandcastles in our sandpit. We have had lots of fun!


For our R.E learning this week we saw something amazing, unique and made by God- us! We looked carefully at ourselves in a mirror and thought about our skin colour and saw that God made us a rainbow of colours. We tried hard to paint our own self-portraits thinking about the colour of our hair, eyes and skin and what features we have on our faces that we needed to paint.


In Literacy we have been reading the story ‘I love me’ by Sally Morgan. There is an attached video if you would like to listen to it at home. We have also been practising the nursery rhyme ‘Head Shoulders Knees and Toes’ to help us learn all about our body parts.

In Squiggle while you Wiggle we have strengthened our fine and gross motor skills by making side to side movements and marks while we boogied along to ‘Walking on Sunshine’ by Katrina and the Waves.

As part of our PSHE learning we have been learning all about our brain and what our brain helps us to do. We created our own glitter sensory bottles to help calm us down if we need them in our classroom.


In Maths this week we have been comparing amounts. We looked at different collections of objects around the classroom and learnt about how a collection of objects means there is more than one of the same thing. We enjoyed some crackers in a basket for snack linked with the story ‘Red Riding Hood’. We described whether we had lots of crackers/ plates/ knives/ butter or just a few.IMG_4771.JPGIMG_4774.JPG

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