Our blogs
Sorting 2D Shapes, by Ms Clewlow
Week Beginning Monday 2nd December (Autumn 2 Week 5), by Mrs Lataster
Week beginning 25/11/2019, by Ms Riley
Leaf Rake in the Valley, by Mr Clark
Week Beginning Monday 25th November (Autumn 2 Week 4) , by Mrs Lataster
Enterprise Workshop, by Miss Gaskell
2D Shape Pizzas!, by Ms Clewlow
Shape Hunt 26.11.2019, by Ms Adamson
Oral Story Telling - 19th November 2019, by Ms Adamson
Leaf raking 2019, by Mr Clark
Imperial War Museum trip, by Ms Howard
Autumn 2 Week 3, by Mrs Lataster
Week Beginning 11/11/2019, by Ms Riley
Autumn 2 Week 2, by Mrs Lataster
Autumn 2 Week 1, by Mrs Lataster
Support our soldiers at Christmas, by Ms Howard
Week Beginning 4/11/2019, by Ms Riley
Jack-o'-lantern Competition, by Ms Riley
Apple and Blackberry Pie!, by Ms Clewlow
Painting saltdough animals, by Ms Clewlow
Fieldwork, by Ms Clewlow
Reading book reminder, by Ms Howard
Miss Clayton's last Eco team , by Mr Clark
Damage to the valley after heavy rain, by Mr Clark
Maps of the classroom!, by Ms Clewlow